
He bought some cherries. On his way eastwards towards the docks, he began eating them, spitting the stones out on to the street as he went.
Our friend Raffaele, he said, drank too much Tokai last night.
He was a merchant from the city of Livorno and he dealt in candied fruit.
Umberto, who as a young man had worked in New York for a firm that imported olive oil and Italian vermouth ...
We will eat, he says, a banquet in our room with the Swiss white wine you told me was like a fish with a knife -
The tea for Breakfast in the Kitchen is different from tea in the schoolroom.
If I am not wrong dear Laura, you always liked Pollo alla Cacciatore.
She climbed out and asked the rickshaw boy what was in the gourds the women were carrying. Looking down at her - for she was much shorter - he told her it was kaffir beer.
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